This is an experimental Bootstrap 4 portfolio site. The goal is to grow this website as I learn more about web development.
Re-Structured React components into a more logical page and section folder structure. This will allow for easier discovery as the site grows.
Created new sitemap structure that includes individual pages for the Portfolio/Home, Articles, About and Contact.
Integrated API on the homepage to show latest 6 blog posts.
Added new Articles page, with Pagination that pulls latest 9 articles per page, from the API.
Updated bio on About page and added a new Career Timeline section
Added blocks under the bio showing my latest job and blog stats
Rebuilt NavBar to not use bootstrap and simplified the use of bootstrap across the app. (Future goal is to remove Bootstrap completely and add SASS.)
Made many ui and animation fixes
Complete refresh of the design.
Site rebuilt in React.js and react-bootstrap
Added Google Analytics
Pointed custom domain
to Netlify hosting
Redesigned development projects to feature an accordion that reveals technologies used.
Added hero button to design portfolio site
Added hero button to Figma Workshop
Added skills, with filtering system and linked each skill to either related projects or courses I am taking to level up in them.
Added GSAP Animations
Added lazy loading with React Suspense and React Lazy
Changed deployed link above and changelog links below to Netlify
Updated the form on the Contact page to be functional with Netlify.
Added Spam Protection
There is a hidden Honeypot input field in the contact form.
Removed Facebook icon from the footer
Updated Portfolio page with a new group project called wellyes Goal Tracker.
Added a project page for the new wellyes portfolio addition. This includes an embedded Figma design.
Added alt tags to the thumbnail images on the Portfolio page.
Fixed the Gif on the Vegg-In-Place project to match the correct project.
Updated About page with new bio and a resume.
Added my GitHub repository icon/link in the footer.
Added my email and phone number (both linked) to the Contact page, however the form is still not connected.
Increased the overall width for the content sections
Added 3 new projects to the Portfolio page that are internally linked.
Vegg-in-Place Entertainment Generator (This also includes a Figma embed)
Started as a basic bootstrap site that linked to past projects on my Adobe Portfolio built site.